Stephen Edwards Enterprises

Stephen & Dr. Wayne Dyer

Stephen & Anthony Robbins

Stephen & Barbara DeAngelis

Stephen & Les Brown

Stephen & Dr. Bernie Seigal

Stephen Edwards is rapidly becoming one of the most sought after and highly respected speakers
in the country today. His powerful, dynamic events
combine empowerment, education and entertainment with integrity and leave audiences spellbound. Stephen has spoken to over 2,000 companies and to audiences of over 5,000 people throughout the united states and was formerly a national speaker for the Anthony Robbins organization.

Stephen entered the corporate world at age 21, when he opened his own jewellery business in the U.K. In 1986 Stephen became President and CEO of a cellular comunications company providing cellular technology and business equipment to companies throughout the United Kingdom.

In 1989 he fulfilled his dream to live here in the United states when he moved to Tampa, Florida and opened a licensed sporting goods business. Stephen joined the Anthony Robbins organization in 1994, where he quickly became the number one speaker in the company and was promoted to National Sales Manager.

He was hand chosen to become National Sales Director in 1996, and he was one of the first
speakers to conduct an Anthony Robbins event without Robbins himself being present.

Stephen was also a top national corporate trainer for Skillpath Seminars specializing in Communication, Leadership & Management skills.

In 1997, Stephen founded his own speaking and training company, Stephen Edwards Enterprises (S.E.E.).

As a successful entrepreneur, professional speaker, sales professional, author, and personal coach for sales professionals, managers and executives, Stephen’s experience and skills have enabled him to create his powerful and effective speaking series, Succeeding in the New Millennium.

His programs help businesses and individuals achieve their goals and realize their vision by focusing on communication skills, self-empowerment, change, leadership, team building, management & supervisory skills, conflict resolution, sales training and time management.

Stephen shares practical methods for promoting professional and personal development, as well as balance between professional and personal life.
He explains why these concepts are so important to both individuals and to the energy and vitality of any workforce.

Stephen’s high energy and dynamic personality
make him an exciting and entertaining speaker and serve as proof that he lives by the principles he presents in his Succeeding in the New Millennium series.

Originally from England, Stephen now considers the Tampa Bay, Florida area his home when he’s not sharing his message with companies and organizations around the world.